Disability in the workplace: Valuing and supporting staff
A number of the public sector agencies in the Highlands and Islands organised an event for disabled employees and line managers at Eden Court on 18th May 2024. “Disability in the Workplace - Valuing and Supporting Staff” sought to raise awareness of disability equality in the workplace and to explore a proposal to establish an Employee Disability Network.
It is a strong measure of the interest in disability issues in the workplace that the event was over-subscribed. It was a very full day covering a range of activities. In summary:
- Over 120 people who attended
- Five keynote speakers
- Six workshops on a range of subjects related to disability in the workplace
- 14 organisations with stalls provided advice and information
- Over 30 people attended a session on disability employee networks
The evaluation of the day has provided valuable lessons for future events as well as highlighting the enthusiasm and energy generated on the day. One of the key outcomes is to take forward the interest in a disabled employee network.
Documents from the event
These documents are intended as a record of the day and are available with an accompanying DVD here.
The partners would like to thanks the speakers, the workshop leaders, the stands representing a range of support groups, Eden Court, HCVF, and each of the participants who made the day a success.
For further information, or if you would like to request the enclosed information in an alternative format, please contact: DisabilityintheWorkplace@highlandlife.net
“Physical Disability, Mental Health Issues, Sensory Impairment. Thank you for getting together this opportunity. I will be taking forward a renewed belief in the work (…) in combating inequality” and prejudice.”
“This should just be a starting point for more events such as this”
Partner organisations:
- The Highland Council
- Highlands & Islands Enterprise
- NHS Highland
- Visit Scotland
- Scottish Natural Heritage
- UHI Millennium Institute
- Job Centre Plus
- Highland Employer Coalition