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Highland Life / Community / Equality and Diversity / Employee Disability Equality Network (EDEN)

Employee Disability Equality Network (EDEN)

EDEN – the Employee Disability Equality Network – launched on 8 April

Everyone is affected by disability or illness at some point in their lives, either directly or indirectly, personally or as a carer of a disabled person. And disability is not just about mobility – it could be about living with hearing loss, depression or diabetes.

Around 50 people attended the launch of EDEN, held at the Highland Archive Centre, Inverness. Nine public sector partners (listed below) have come together to support the formation of the network.


  • is a network of employees, run by employees
  • is open to any interested employee
  • aims to improve, enhance and promote disability equality in the workplace

The network hopes to meet the needs not only of employees who have a disability or illness but also those interested in disability in the workplace e.g. you may be a carer of a disabled person.

The network is also not just for those who live close to Inverness. It is open to all employees in the nine agencies, some of whom have employees Scotland–wide (e.g. Visit Scotland and SNH).

Look out for a survey, open to every employee in the agencies below, which will be issued in the next few weeks. This is your opportunity to say how you think EDEN should develop and help shape the network.

Read the press release to find out more about EDEN and the launch, including slides from a talk by Gillian Shaw, Employment Solicitor with Harper MacLeod LLP (450 Kb pdf).

  • Highland Council
  • Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Jobcentre Plus
  • Scottish Natural Heritage
  • Highland Employers Coalition
  • NHS Highland
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • University of the Highlands and Islands
  • VisitScotland

For information contact: EDEN@highlandlife.net

© 2024 Highland Public Services Partnership.
Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the INTERREG IIIB Northern Periphery Programme