NHS Highland Staff Handbook
April 2025 The NHS Highland Staff Handbook has recently been produced in consultation with a wide range of NHS colleagues to provide you with some general information about NHS Highland. This will be of particular interest to you if you are a new employee. Equally if you are an existing employee, it should help to update your knowledge and awareness about NHS Highland. I would be grateful if you could take an opportunity to read the Handbook and provide some feedback on the content and style. It is also important for to get your views on whether the information is presented in a clear and consistent way. If you feel there are topics missing or any sections that are covered in too much or too little detail, please let me know. In some cases it has been highlighted where you will be able get additional information and so I want to check whether this approach worked well and that you were indeed able to access the information you required. All the comments will be taken into consideration and a final version of the Handbook will be published on the NHS Highland intranet, internet and Highland Life Integrating Care in the Highlands web sites. Please feedback any corrections or comments to maimie.thompson@nhs.net (01463 704927) by Friday 31st May 2025. Maimie Thompson Head of Public Relations and Engagement |