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Highland Life / Integrating Care / NHSH / THC Employee Information

NHSH / THC Employee Information

Information for NHS Highland and The Highland Council employees

Policies: Information on policies within NHS Highland and The Highland Council

NHS Highland Staff Handbook

Transition to NHS Pay & Conditions

This part of the website provides information for employees of NHS HIghland and The Highland Council.

Hovering your mouse over the NHSH / THC Employee information tab on the menu to the left will provide links to more information specifically for employees, such as the latest employee newsletter, FAQs, pensions information, briefing notes on the process of development towards planning for integration, notes from the Staff Partnership Forum, and the issues log.

P4I Team

This area of the website is designed to be accessible only to members of the Planning for Integration team. To log into this area, please enter your email address as your username and password. You can then change your password from the link at the top-left of the page.

© 2025 Highland Wellbeing Alliance.
Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the INTERREG IIIB Northern Periphery Programme.