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Highland Life / Community / The Highland Compact / Compact Champions

Compact Champions

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An important part of implementing the Highland Compact will be through Compact Champions.

The Role of Compact Champions

Compact Champions will:

  • Raise awareness of the Compact within their organisation and across the sector they work in;
  • Act as a first point of contact for queries about the Compact;
  • Attend the annual Compact Conference;
  • Feed information and concerns back to the Compact Partnership regarding the operation of the Compact;
  • Provide a pivotal role in Stage 2 of the Compact Mediation Approach. They will ensure that any concerns raised are legitimate and attempt to resolve concerns between the organisations, with the focus on moving forward and restoring relations within the partnership.

Identification of Champions

Compact Champions will be identified within each public sector organisation. Third Sector Champions will:

a) be the CVS in each local area and/or
b) be selected by the Third Sector Forum to be representative across the Highland area.

Support for Champions

Compact Champions will receive training prior to taking on this role and ongoing support will be available through the Compact Partnership.

If you would be interested in being a compact champion, please contact us at:




© 2024 Highland Public Services Partnership.
Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the INTERREG IIIB Northern Periphery Programme