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Highland Life / Planning for Integration

Planning for Integration

On 16 December 2025, the Board of NHS Highland and Members of The Highland Council agreed in principle to commit to planning for the integration of health, education and social care services.

A formal implementation plan is being developed. The first part of this plan was presented to a meeting of The Highland Council and NHS Highland Board on 12 May 2025, and the second part was considered at another joint meeting on 23 June 2025.

Where they have a shared responsibility for delivering services, The Highland Council and NHS Highland will explore whether one of them could take the lead role in delivery of these services.

The NHS Highland Board and The Highland Council have agreed to develop the proposals on the basis that the most appropriate single lead agency for the delivery of Adult Care is NHS Highland and that the most appropriate single lead agency for Children’s Services is The Highland Council.

At the meeting on 12 May, members of The Highland Council and directors of NHS Highland confirmed their intention to progress far-reaching plans to integrate health, education and social care services in the Highlands.

The second report, presented to the joint meeting of the two organisations on 23 June, set out the scope of services to be transferred to each lead agency and the governance arrangements to ensure each agency is able to discharge its new responsibilities whilst retaining accountability.

The solution for Highland will be designed specifically for this area and will take into account the variety of integration models tried and tested by other areas of the country.

The detail of the changes required to achieve integration will be decided by everyone involved in health, education and social work services – both people using the services and those working within the services.

To capture the views of everyone in Highland concerned with Children’s and Adult Services about the proposed model of care, workshops and events will take place over the coming weeks. As part of this, planning for integration will feature on the agenda for various events, meetings, seminars and other consultations throughout Highland, including The Highland Council ward forums, local network groups, user groups and at project specific events. If you know of an event, meeting or forum where members would like to be involved in the process of planning for integration, please contact p4i@highlandlife.net

© 2025 Highland Public Services Partnership.
Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the INTERREG IIIB Northern Periphery Programme