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    Highland Life / Transport / Air Travel

    Air Travel

    Websites providing information upon air transport throughout the Highlands & Islands and beyond.

    HITRANS - The Highlands & Islands Transport Partnership

    Transport is vital to the economic activity and community services of the Highlands and Islands. The regional transport network is so important that HITRANS has been formed

    Transport Direct

    Covering all travel by rail, air, coach, bus, ferry, metro and tram within the UK together with facilities to plan travel by personal transport

    Highlands and Islands Airports

    Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (HIAL) operates 10 airports throughout the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, supporting business and leisure travel and providing lifeline links between island communities and the mainland.

    Scottish Airports (BAA)

    Scottish Airports (BAA), information upon Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow airports

    © 2024 Highland Public Services Partnership.
    Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the INTERREG IIIB Northern Periphery Programme