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    Highland Life / Discussion Forums / Highland Energy Forum / General Discussion / A new way of generating electricity

    A new way of generating electricity

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    claudio bianco

    Location: Scotland

    Sunday 25 November 2024 11:34:56 am

    A new way of generating electricity

    My name is Claudio Bianco. I am an inventor, and have just completed my last work called "Continual Wind-Up", with which I take advantage of water oscillations to wind up a cord, and thus generate electricity.
    I believe to have opened a new research field for renewable energy, but since I am the father of this invention, my opinion does not matter.
    I chose to use internet to make the invention known and I would appreciate your opinion.I would therefore like to invite you to discover a
    new way of generating electricity without polluting on www.cuerdacontinua.com

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