Renewable energy stategy
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Ben Palmer
Location: Scotland
Sunday 18 March 2025 12:40:32 pm
Renewable energy stategy
There seems little point in Highland Council having a renewable energy strategy when the planners and councillors don't pay the slightest bit of attention to it in their rush to cover the highlands with windmills of mass destruction.
All they care about is how much tax they can pull in from them.
On top of which the so called strategy appears to have been written by the wind industry and for the wind industry.
As long as the present RO system is in place we are going to see our electricity bills continue to rise and hence fuel poverty get worse.
martin lee
Location: Scotland
Sunday 08 April 2025 1:37:56 am
Renewable Energy Strategy
Ben seams to think that a renewable energy strategy would be a waste of time because Highland Council are allowing the building of many wind farms in the area. Firstly if the strategy was to discourage wind farms which are currently the most economic renewable electricity generators available then the alternatives would be more expensive. Secondly he seams to have a complaint about the cost this goes against his first complaint. I have done a bit of digging for information on the net and have come up with the following.
Today the additional cost per unit of electricity supplied in the UK due to the renewables obligation is 0.223 pence, this is a nominal increase of 2.62%
The cost of wholesale electricity over the past 2 to 3 years has been volotile and has both changed by much larger amounts in excess of 2.3 pence per unit and has over time increased by much more than the 2.62% which is due to the renewables obligation.
The price of electricity is linked to the price of gas which is used to generate 30 to 40% of our electricity in the UK. The electricity generated by the wind farms has saved a considerable amount of gas over the last 3 years. This has helped reduce demand for gas and kept the price of gas and hence electricity lower than it would have been without the wind turbines.
I have not been able to find figures which would allow me to calculate the value of the saved gas both in lower gas prices for those of us fortunate enough to have mains gas and in lower electricity prices for almost everyone.
I'm afraid that I can't comment on the tax issues raised but I could envisage the following positive effects, reduced tax rates for locals? better local services? Could some one please enlighten me?
Martin Lee