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TalentScotland Graduate Placement Programme


The TalentScotland Graduate Placement Programme places graduates in local businesses and social enterprise to conduct innovative projects. The placements in the Highlands and Islands are between 6 and 12 months long and take place in organisations across all sectors. The Programme runs until 2025 and will offer new placement opportunities throughout the year.

Are you a graduate?

In order to apply for any of the advertised placements, graduates must have graduated from a Higher Education Institution in the last two years and not have more than one year relevant graduate level work experience.

The minimum salary will be £15,500 per annum for a placement in the Highlands and Islands and training on business skills and employability is also available at a five day residential training course.

Vacancies are advertised on www.talentscotland.com/gppgraduates and on the Shared Graduate Vacancies Service – Please register and then select 'jobs after graduating' and the location 'Inverness and the Highlands and Islands'.

More information can be found on this website:
http://www.talentscotland.com/Students/Graduate-placement.aspx or you can download a leaflet here: http://www.hie.co.uk/support-for-business/skills-development/graduate-placements.html

Are you a business?

Any business or social enterprise in the Highlands and Islands that is interested in offering a placement should contact Stepanka Jurenova on placements@hient.co.uk or phone 01463 244488 for more information.

More information including a downloadable leaflet can be found here: http://www.hie.co.uk/support-for-business/skills-development/graduate-placements.html

The TalentScotland Graduate Placement Programme is a multi-party Programme supported by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, TalentScotland, the Scottish Government, Association of Graduates Careers Advisory Service, Skills Development Scotland and the Scottish Funding Council.
In the Highlands and Islands the TalentScotland Graduate Placement Programme is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

© 2025 Highland Public Services Partnership.
Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the INTERREG IIIB Northern Periphery Programme