Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Highlands and Islands Enterprise HIE Comment in response to Rok Announcement
Highlands and Islands Enterprise has been in contact with Rok’s administrators, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC). We are seeking an early meeting with PwC to discuss both the future of the business as a whole and how we progress specific HIE projects currently being delivered by Rok.
Future of European Commission funding discussed in Inverness
The potential for the Highlands and Islands to continue to benefit from European Commission funding after 2025 is the subject of a meeting taking place in Inverness today (Thursday 11 November).
Plan to capture vast opportunities of greener business
A plan to create new green jobs and capture the opportunities of the low carbon economy is published today, Monday 15 November.
Outer Hebrides businesses search for graduates
A project supported by Highlands and Islands Enterprise is offering 12 month work placements within two businesses in the Outer Hebrides for which graduates are invited to apply now.
Obama advisor supports business community find opportunities in changing North economy
Global entrepreneur Ken Morse will consider the challenges facing the Moray, and wider Highlands and Islands economy as part of a live web cast tomorrow (Tuesday) looking at how communities can create opportunities from change.
Lochs community appoints development worker
The community of Lochs in the Isle of Lewis has appointed a local development officer to help them deliver an economic, social and cultural plan for future growth.
Moray campaigners take 'compelling case' for RAF Lossiemouth to Westminster
Campaigners fighting to save thousands of RAF jobs in Scotland are taking their arguments to the top levels of UK Government.
Business and community leaders in the Moray Task Force have compiled what they're calling 'a compelling case' for retaining RAF Lossiemouth as a base for the present Tornado fleet and future Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. Partnership action agreed to mitigate Moray economic blow
Public sector agencies from across Scotland will work in partnership to help mitigate the social and economic impact of jobs losses facing Moray and develop positive actions to help the region deal with the fall out from anticipated MoD job cuts.
Hollywood star backs Moray bases campaign
Scottish film star Ewan McGregor has added his voice to the growing campaign to keep the RAF in Moray.
Role of voluntary and community groups crucial in minimising MoD fall-out
Community and voluntary groups from Moray and the wider area will have a crucial role to play in minimising the social and economic fall-out from the anticipated MoD job cuts.