HMIe report for Mulbuie Primary School
Issued: 30 Nov 2025
Mulbuie Primary school has received a positive report from HMIe inspectors who recently visited the school. They recognised that pupils and staff are friendly, welcoming and proud of their school. In addition, they commended the behaviour of pupils and their attitudes towards school. They also found them to be motivated and engaged in their learning. It was noted that pupils worked well together, listened attentively and showed an interest in the views and opinions of others.
Almost all of the pupils were attaining appropriate national levels in maths, reading and writing. In maths, mental calculations were sound and pupils were developing a secure understanding of handling data. However, they would benefit from increased use of ICT to create databases and spreadsheets.
The report stated that nursery children were making good progress in their learning. They concentrated well in group activities and could recognise coins, shapes and colours. Their skills in talking were developing well.
The inspectors found that parents were positive about the work of the school and that there were very effective links with the local community to extend pupils' understanding of the world of work.
Teachers were found to be highly committed, very well organised and worked well with support staff.
A particular strength of the school was the work undertaken by staff in taking forward a Curriculum for Excellence. Lorna Sim, acting Head Teacher, said: "I am delighted that the inspectors recognised the innovation shown and the hard work undertaken by staff in developing the new curriculum."
Aspects for improvement included improved differentiation of tasks and the strengthening of approaches to self evaluation. HMIe are confident that the school will be able to meet these and will therefore make no more visits in connection to this inspection.