Follow-through inspection of Pennyland Primary School
Issued: 30 Nov 2025
As part of the inspectorate's ongoing strategy for evaluating the educational provision of local authorities, a report has been issued on the inspection by HMIe of the quality of education at Pennyland Primary School. The report from the interim visit is based on the initial inspection report of October 2025 and describes the improvements that have been made since that original inspection.
In a very positive school report, HMIe highlighted as strengths the children's enthusiasm for reading and the increase in attainment in reading, the quality of support for children with additional needs, which had been a key concern in the original inspection and the contribution of the acting Head Teacher and all staff to improving the school.
HMIe noted that in both the nursery and primary classes there is now a purposeful working atmosphere. Children have more opportunities to take
on responsibilities and have recently achieved the Eco-schools Silver award. Children benefit from an increasing range of visits and visitors such as authors, politicians and even an astronaut. Attainment in reading has improved considerably and staff have taken steps to ensure that learning programmes in the expressive arts and science build on children's previous learning. The new support for learning teacher works closely with teachers and support assistants to better meet the needs of all children.
The inspector also commended the way that the school had worked with parents, local businesses and support agencies to ensure that pupils have more opportunities and are well supported. Parents have more opportunities to learn about the work of the school through regular open events which enable children to present their learning.
Both staff and children have worked to improve their school and its' environment. All staff, including Nursery and support staff, have more opportunities to meet to discuss learning and teaching and to plan for further improvement. Relationships between staff and children continue to be positive and marked by mutual respect.
There was also further praise for the acting head teacher and staff who have worked effectively as a team to further improve the learning experiences of all children. HMIe feel that the rate of improvement activity has increased in recent months and a clear direction of travel is now established.
As in all reports, HMIe suggest ways in which the school might sustain its agenda for improvement and has identified the need to continue to focus on raising attainment levels in the school, further embed a Curriculum for Excellence and closely monitor that plans are being implemented and improvements made. HMIe will return for the formal Follow-through inspection visit in a year's time.
The Parent Council continues to support the school well and Lesley Wilson the Parent Council's Chairperson said: "We are delighted with the latest inspection report and the improvements the school has made. We would like to thank the acting head and all the staff for all their hard work over the past while and are looking forward to continuing to work with the school over the coming year."
Morna O'Hagan, Acting Head Teacher for the school said: "I am very pleased with the positive comments made in the report. I feel it is a true reflection of the school at present. As a staff we recognise that there are always further improvements to be made and we look forward to the challenges ahead."
Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: "The Acting Head Teacher, staff, parents and pupils at Pennyland have put much effort into making the improvements noted by HMIe. It is pleasing that these efforts have been recognised and that the level of improvement has been recorded by HMIe. Well done to all concerned and keep up the good work."