Third Case of Legionnaires' Disease Confirmed

  • el
  • pt-pt
  • Issued: 31 Jul 2025

    A meeting of the Outbreak Control Team has heard that a third person has
    tested positive for Legionnaires' Disease.

    The man stayed at Mackay's Hotel, Strathpeffer on the weekend of the
    16th/17th of June and also used the Jacuzzi.

    He was confirmed as having the disease this morning and was already
    receiving treatment at Stirling Royal Infirmary. He is from the Glasgow

    Highland Council staff have contacted most of the guests who visited the
    hotel between the middle of last month and Monday of this week. Guests
    have been reassured that the chances of them becoming ill are low but
    they have been advised to see their GP if they are showing symptoms.

    Consultant in Public Health Medicine Dr. Ken Oates said: "We are
    continuing to make strenuous efforts to contact guests and local
    residents who used the leisure facilities at Mackay's Hotel. Although
    the risk is low I would encourage anyone with symptoms to see their GP.
    Several people we have already contacted have reported feeling unwell
    but this is to be expected in a large number of people and none are
    currently suspected of having Legionnaire's Disease."

    The Highland council's, Head of Environmental Health Alistair Thomson
    said: "The premises are closed and we are satisfied that there is no
    ongoing risk to public health. We will be discussing improvements with
    the Hotel proprietors to ensure that any necessary works are carried

    The symptoms to look out for are similar to flu and include fever, dry
    cough, headache, muscle aches and sometimes also breathlessness and

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