Issued: 8 Aug 2025
As from August, anyone phoning internally to Raigmore Switchboard will be greeted by the new automated telephone directory, meaning switchboard staff will be freed up to answer calls from the general public.
10% of calls coming into the switchboard were from staff phoning internally requesting to be put through to specific people or departments, now all they will have to do is dial '0', say the name of the person or department they want and wait to be connected or to get switchboard they can ask for operator / switchboard.
NHS Highland's Telecomms Manager Pat Maclean explains: "Around 2,000 calls per day are internal to switchboard so by introducing the automated telephone directory we are freeing up the lines for members of the public to get through.
Sites throughout NHS Highland are now accessible using this system, as well as the more widely used Scottish hospitals, such as Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and the Royal Alexandria Hospital."
Derick MacRae, Hotel Services Manager for Raigmore Hospital, adds: "This system has been trialled since February this year and has been so successful we have decided to roll it out across the whole patch. It is quite intuitive and should be able to cope with all accents. We have found that over 90% of the wards or names requested are successful and recognised first time."