Highlands and Islands Enterprise Designer exchanges Milan for Thurso
Orkney jewellery designers and creators Aurora have their Thurso shop window under wraps this week as international designer Simon Costin prepares a display to mark the Royal National Mod.
Companies offered advice on doing business in China
Companies across the Highlands and Islands interested in doing business in China are being invited along to events offering advice and support. Scottish Development International (SDI), Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) have come together to offer businesses the chance to have a one-to-one session with the experts.
Fèis passion is still growing across Scotland
The economic impact of the fèis movement is £2m annually, according to a report for Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).
Tha buaidh eaconamach nam fèisean a’ cur còrr is £2m gach bliadhna, a rèir aithisg a chaidh iarraidh le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan (HIE). Small Lewis village progresses towards a buyout bid
A crofting village of only 29 people in the Uig area on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis has taken its first steps towards a community land buyout bid.
Life Science is the hot topic in Inverness this fortnight
Inverness will be the hub of Life Science activity in the coming fortnight as Eden Court plays host to two high profile events organised by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).
HIE Board affirms commitment to Outer Hebrides
Highlands and Islands Enterprise has re-affirmed its long-standing commitment to support communities and businesses in the region’s most fragile areas.
Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean (HIE) a’ dearbhadh na geallaidhean a th’aca ri taic a thoirt do choimhearsnachdan is gnìomhachasan anns na sgìrean as cugallaich san roinn. Tendering process begins for Inverness Campus
The tendering process has begun to appoint a contractor to prepare 89-acres of the Inverness Campus site for its future as a world class facility in the north of Scotland.
Creativity, the Mòd and the economy in Caithness and Sutherland
On the eve of the Royal National Mòd’s launch in Caithness, international figures from the world of design are to meet business people from the North to explore the economic and cultural value of creativity.
Scottish businesses gear up for renewables jobs boom
Offshore wind operations and maintenance to create 1000 new jobs.
Public views still sought on the National Renewables Infrastructure Plan and the SEA
There are only seven weeks left for the public to have their say on the Stage Two report of the National Renewables Infrastructure Plan (N-RIP) and the accompanying Environmental Report and four Appendices.