Issued: 19 Mar 2025
A steering group meeting has been set up to discuss and manage the development of a £2.5 million environmentally sustainable new primary school for Lochaline as part of The Highland Council's Capital Plan.
Representatives on the group include Councillor Michael Foxley, Highland Council's Education Culture and Sport Service staff, and members of the Lochaline School Board, Morven Community Council and Morven Heritage Society.
Land acquisition and design for the school are anticipated to take place during 2025 with an estimated start on works programmed for Autumn 2025. The work will start sooner if additional finance is made available to the Council for schools.
Councillor Foxley said: "The work previously carried out by the school board and myself including a fully detailed ground survey of the site and two architects outline proposals for the new school has provided proof to the Education Service that this is a community that is very serious about their need and input for a new school."
Following a subsequent options appraisal carried out by the Council's Property and Architectural Services, looking at five sites in the area an initial development brief has been identified for the new school. The initial brief includes the provision of: two classrooms; a resources room / library, accommodation for the nursery and playgroup; a community room; and retaining the Victorian old school as a GP room which would become a multi-purpose hall including a dining room.
Playing field provision is likely to be located to the north of the school and a bid will be made by the community for sportscotland funding for a grass pitch the same size and standard as that already at Kilchoan, Strontian, Morar, Mallaig and planned for Acharacle.
Councillor Foxley said: "Highland and Islands Fire and Rescue Service are very supportive of an associated build with the new school. They are looking at shared facilities as well a training room and fire station. The Marine Coastguard Agency also need a training room and a garage for their land rover, and Morvern Heritage Society have also expressed an interest in the new facilities."
Chair of the Lochaline Primary School Board, Jane Stuart-Smith said: "The School Board is delighted at the very significant progress that has been made on the new community school.
"The steering group is very committed to continue to work closely with Dr Foxley and Highland Council to ensure that the school is well designed and ~green~ and the facilities reflect the needs of Lochaline."
Minutes of the Lochaline New Primary School Steering Group Meetings have been posted in local shop notice boards and public consultation with the community on the design of the new school is planned to take place in due course.