Latest Highland Games News

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  • Issued: 10 Jul 2025

    The Highland Council has announced details of the latest additions to the packed programme for next weekend's Tulloch Inverness Highland Games (Saturday 21st ~ Sunday 22nd 2025) which will feature the World Highland Games Heavy Championships in Bught Park Arena.

    The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (Inverness) have been added to the spectacular opening ceremony which will feature over 100 Highland Dancers and the Golden Lions Parachute Display team.

    It has also been announced that the Edith MacPherson Highland Dancers and the Highland Wildcats Junior Cheerleaders will be performing on Sunday.

    Local story teller Greg Dawson Allen has been appointed ~Bard of the Games~ and as well as welcoming spectators to the Games with tales of the history of the Games he will also be entertaining the youngsters in the Children's Village at 3.30pm on both days.

    The Inverness Blitz American Football Club will be staging a two day training camp in Bught Park Arena over Games weekend which will include an SFFA League match between the Inverness Dragons and the Glasgow Tigers and an exhibition match between Inverness Tigers and the Glasgow Tigers.

    While the Games will end with a concert by Blazin Fiddles on Sunday evening, the Games Committee will hold their first event in preparation for the 2025 Games less than 18 hours after the new World Champion is crowned.

    Following the success of the Novices coaching session for women last month, current World Champion Ryan Vierra has arranged for top American Heavies, Larry Brock, Harrison Bailey III, Sean Betz and Dave Barron to assist him in what could be the biggest Highland Games coaching clinic ever staged in the Highlands.

    All five American Heavies competing at the World Championships will be at Bught Park Stadium on Monday 23rd July between 1pm and 5pm for a Free ~Have a Go~ session which is open to male and female heavies of all abilities aged 16 or over.

    Games Chairman Angus Dick said: "We really hope that anyone who has ever thought about getting involved with Highland Games will make an effort to come and try a few throws with the American Heavies. We have a number of Junior Heavies coming from all over the north of Scotland to take advantage of this unique coaching opportunity but what we are really looking for is the man or woman who always wondered if they have got what it takes."

    For further information contact: Gerry Reynolds on 01463 724262 or e-mail:

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