Issued: 2 Apr 2025
Inverness Rangers walk with the stars and take tea at Culloden House
Highland Council's Inverness Rangers will be star gazing and taking tea at Culloden House Hotel during the Easter break and are inviting people to join them.
On Wednesday 11th April from 2 - 5pm, John Orr, Inverness East & Nairn Countryside Ranger will lead a guided History Tour around Culloden Woods ending in the auspicious surroundings of Culloden House. Katy Martin, Senior Ranger for Inverness and Nairn will give star gazers an evening talk at Abriachan Forest on Saturday 7th April from 8 - 9.30pm.
The Culloden History Tour led by John Orr will provide a chance to meet an array of colourful characters from Culloden's past while visiting some places of historical interest including the Clootie Well, Prisoners~ Stone, doocot, and stables. The walk will finish with tea and biscuits in the auspicious surroundings of Culloden House.
John said: "This is a fascinating walk through Culloden's past. We will be starting outside Culloden House and winding our way up through Culloden woods with a few surprises on the way!"
People interested in star gazing are asked by Katy Martin, Senior Ranger for Inverness and Nairn to meet in the Abriachan Forest Trust forest classroom, Abriachan on Saturday 7th April at 8pm. The event will last for 1.5 hours.
Katy said: "It's fascinating to discover the stories behind the stars - who named them and why. This talk gives people a chance to find out how the Great Bear got it's name and how star signs came about.
"Abriachan can be a great place to see the stars as there is very little light pollution in the that area from street lighting and houses. After the talk, if the sky is clear, we will head outside to spot the star constellations. All star gazers should dress warmly, bring a torch and their imagination."
Both events are organised as part of The Highland Council~s Planning and Development Services countryside events programme.
The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are a partnership between The Highland Council and Scottish Natural Heritage with the aim of promoting public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.
The Culloden History walk covers 4km or 2.5 miles and is suitable for individuals and family groups. The walk is a little steep in places and there is a charge of £6 for adults and £3 for children. Booking is required. To book a place or for further information please telephone 01463 702932.
Participation on the joint star gazing event between Highland Council Rangers and Abriachan Forest Trust is free. For further information telephone 01463 702933.