HMIe Inspection of Reay Primary School

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  • Issued: 18 May 2025

    As part of the inspectorate's ongoing strategy for evaluating the educational provision of local authorities, a report is issued today on the inspection by HMIe of the quality of education at Reay Primary School. The report is based on an inspection visit which was carried out in March 2025.

    In an extremely positive report HMIe highlighted as strengths:

    • the diligent, caring and respectful children who achieve widely;
    • the consistently high standards of attainment in English language and Mathematics;
    • the involvement with the community to provide motivating learning experiences;
    • the work of the support assistants to meet the needs of all children; and
    • the leadership of the head teacher and staff teamwork.

    All areas of work within the school were assessed as being very good or better.

    HMIe noted that children do their best in everything they attempt; they are consistently involved in school life and make the school a focus for the whole community. They are very aware of the contributions they can make and enjoy adding something to the community in which they live. All children are treated with respect and understanding and say that they are safe and happy in school and are developing a very healthy approach to life, learning and contributing to society. Children develop leadership skills through a variety of group and independent tasks in and out of the classroom; they work together very well and understand how to work in teams. Children behave very well and treat each other and staff with respect and understanding.

    Almost all make very good progress from prior levels of learning and achieve well in a range of activities which develop valuable skills for life. The school is maintaining high standards of attainment in English language and Mathematics. Almost all children achieve, and a few are exceeding appropriate national levels.

    HMIe noted that the curriculum is very well organised and is being improved around ideas set out in Curriculum for Excellence and the aims and values agreed by the school community. Activities in each curriculum area are wide ranging, challenging and many use the local environment very well. Planned activities with local businesses and members of the community help children to learn how to be enterprising. Across the school, tasks and activities are suitable for children's learning needs. Support and challenge is offered through varied tasks and through one to one input, which at times is outstanding in quality from support for learning assistants. The pace of learning is very strong and teachers and children have high expectations of what can be achieved.

    Commendably, the school works with the community to improve learning and teaching. Partnerships with local businesses are very productive and help young people to develop a range of skills. The Parent Council works with staff to promote the school and to help improve it. Overall, the school is central to its community, providing a focus for a large range of activities.

    Staff, children and parents are highly motivated about being involved in the work of the school and take every opportunity to improve what happens, they are all proud of Reay Primary. All teachers have high expectations of children's attitude and effort. They use praise very well to encourage children to achieve their full potential. Staff help to raise children's aspirations by celebrating their successes in school and, commendably, parents are made aware of their children's successes by being invited into the school to look at displays as well as through newsletters and press reports.

    As in all reports, HMIe suggest ways in which the school might sustain its agenda for school improvement and identified that the school needs to continue to increase opportunities for children to develop their literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum in line with a Curriculum for Excellence.

    The school is well supported by the Parent Council and Chairperson, Mike Flavell said: "This is a fantastic inspection report for the school and I congratulate the staff and pupils for their efforts. It's very pleasing to note that the high regard the school has for the community and vice versa is highlighted. There is great leadership in the school, an ethos of continuing improvement and doing your best in all that you do. The parent council are extremely proud of the school, its staff and pupils and will continue to support its agenda for school improvement and opportunities for children to develop their literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum."

    HMIe also commended the Head Teacher, Eileen Sutherland, for the drive and direction she provides to the school, her energetic and collegiate approach is admired and respected by children, parents and staff and she has built outstanding partnerships with the local community. Eileen said: "I am delighted with such a glowing report. It reflects not only the hard work and commitment of staff and pupils but also our excellent partnerships with parents and the community."

    Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: "This is an extremely good inspection report for Reay Primary; strengths are noted from all areas of the school as well as the strong links with the community. It was pleasing that the inspectorate noted how well the Head Teacher, staff, parents and pupils all work together and want to do their very best, congratulations to all involved."

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