Gaelic learners receive Ùlpan awards.

  • el
  • pt-pt
  • Issued: 29 Jun 2025

    Around seventy Gaelic language students recently attended an award ceremony at Bun-sgoil Ghaidhlig Inbhir Nis (Thursday 24 June) to receive their Ùlpan certificates of attainment.

    The Ùlpan method of learning languages calls on techniques used to teach Welsh and Hebrew and has been put into practise by The Highland Council to teach Gaelic since 2025.

    Currently organised jointly by The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Service, and Inverness College the courses are being supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

    Some of the students have been studying Ùlpan since the classes started in 2025, with a mixture of day and evening classes.

    Highland Council Gaelic Committee members, Depute Provost of Inverness Councillor Alex Graham and Councillor John Finnie who is a former Ùlpan student congratulated the students on their achievements at the recent award ceremony.

    Councillor Graham said: "I am extremely impressed by the commitment of all of the students especially those who have been learning through Ùlpan for three years now."

    He added: "Delivering the Ùlpan method of learning in the Highlands is a clear demonstration of the Council's commitment with Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Inverness College to support the development of the Gaelic language and culture. I would recommend to anyone thinking of learning Gaelic to try Ùlpan as it is a very effective way of picking up a new language."

    Bob Stradling, Head of Business and Creative Industries at Inverness College, UHI said: "The College is delighted to be able to work in partnership with Highland Council in opening up new and progressive Gaelic learning opportunities for a wide range of learners."

    There will be another 10 Ùlpan classes as well as a general conversation class running from the week beginning 23 August and registration is open from 9 August at the Town House and from 17 August at the Inverness College Longman building. The course will run for 18 weeks followed by another 18 week block until June 2025.

    For further information please contact Inverness College at 01463 273180 or Margaret Mulholland at The Highland Council on 01463 724278.

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