Countryside Access Events

  • el
  • pt-pt
  • Issued: 24 Apr 2025

    Countryside access events for dog owners, cyclists and horse riders.

    Two events have been organised by The Highland Council in Caithness during the Scottish Outdoor Access Festival which runs from April 28th to May 7th.

    The events, aimed at dog owners, cyclists and horse riders, have been set up by the Council's Caithness and North Sutherland Countryside Rangers and the Caithness Access Officer to encourage people to enjoy the benefits of, and learn more about, the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.

    On Saturday 28th April, the first event is targeted at dog owners and is being organised jointly with the Council's dog warden, Labrador Rescue and the SSPCA. Starting at 1.30pm, there will be a dog show aimed at the family pet rather than pedigree breeds, an agility display and then a treasure hunt where both humans and canines will be put to the test. The dog show will be held in Dunnet forest. Participants are asked to use the car park at the Dunnet end of the beach.

    For cyclists and horse riders, a self guided challenge around forest tracks at Strathmore has been arranged on Saturday 5th May. The 26km circuit through beautiful countryside starts at the Loch More parking area but participants need only complete distances that they are comfortable with. The self guided challenge starts around 11:00 - 11:30am. For more details and booking contact Mary Legg tel: 01847 821531.

    The Caithness and Sutherland What's On booklet and the Council's Countryside Rangers' summer programme of walks and events are now available. Copies are available form Tourist Information Offices or Highland libraries.

    Further details of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code are available on the internet at and the Council's Countryside Ranger events programmes at

    The Countryside Rangers are part of Highland Council's Planning and Development Service and are supported in their work by Scottish Natural Heritage.

    © 2025 Highland Wellbeing Alliance.