Issued: 23 Feb 2025
Postal ballot papers for the election of four community representatives
to serve on the Cairngorms National Park Authority will be arriving on
Voters have until 4 pm on Wednesday 15 March to return their ballot
papers and votes will be counted that evening at Talla Nan Ros,
There will be two three-way contests and two two-way contests.
Each candidate has provided the Returning Officer - Arthur McCourt,
Chief Executive of The Highland Council - with a statement containing
their perspective on matters relating to the Park. These statements
accompany the ballot papers.
In Aberdeen/Angus, Geva Blackett, Clunie Cottage, Invercauld, Braemer,
has been elected to the board as a community representative, being the
only person to return a valid nomination form when the deadline arrived
earlier in the month.
The Returning Officer will also make available a large copy of the
ballot paper and a device to aid blind or partially sighted voters cast
their vote. These are available in Council Service Points and at the
Town Hall, Elgin from Monday 26 February.
The 25-strong Park Authority also comprises 10 appointees of the
Scottish Executive and 10 local council nominees (five from The Highland
Council; three from Aberdeenshire Council; one from Moray Council and
one from Angus Council).
At 3,800 kms in size, the Cairngorms National Park will be the most
extensive in Great Britain. It will be formally established on 25 March,