Directory of Local Services

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  • Like many local economies, jobs in the public sector make a major contribution.

    The Highland Council alone provides employment for 12,438 people, the large majority in local communities around the Highlands. Strategic decisions on an annual budget of more than £500 million are taken at its headquarters in Inverness.

    The Council has an established network of 37 one-stop advice and information centres called Service Points which ensures the Council?s services are accessible, effectively delivered and are a visible influence across the area.

    It is responsible for a range of frontline services such as education, support to children and families, community care, housing, council tax collection, planning and development, roads and transport, food safety, animal welfare, leisure facilities, refuse collection and waste management.

    NHS Highland - the region's supplier of health services - provides employment for around 7,500 at their hospitals and other facilities which reach out across the Highland area. Nursing staff, doctors, allied health professionals, scientists and support staff, such as IT professionals, administrators and hospital porters, all play a part in delivering a first class healthcare service.

    Highlands and Islands Enterprise employs 600 economic and social development staff - one-third of whom are employed at its core in Inverness and the majority at its network of local enterprise companies and Careers Scotland centres in the north and west of Scotland.

    Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) - the public body with responsibility for conservation, enhancement, enjoyment, understanding and sustainable use of natural heritage, is moving its national headquarters from Edinburgh to Inverness by 2025. This will add more than 200 jobs to the 150 SNH staff already based in the Highlands.

    Dispersing public sector jobs like those at SNH is a stated priority of the Scottish Executive. This means areas like the Highlands may benefit from the relocation of other public sector departments in the future.

    Other agencies represented in the Highlands include the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Water, Communities Scotland, the Crofters Commission, the Scottish Executive's Environment and Rural Affairs Department and VisitScotland.

    Visit Scotland - Tourism

    What makes Scotland so distinctive? There are some things that are uniquely Scottish but in truth, there's no single element that defines the country.

    Health Service Finder

    A service from NHS Scotland to enable you to identify the location of your nearest Health Service Provider

    Highland Communities

    As a vast area, the Highlands has its own challenge when it comes to protecting communities. This section will simplify access to all the community portals and other information about the communities


    The Force covers the Local Authority Region of Highland and the Island Authorities of Orkney, Shetland and Western Isles

    Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service

    Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service is tasked with providing a service to one sixth the landmass of the United Kingdom - an area the size of Belgium.

    Scottish Ambulance Service

    The Scottish Ambulance Service serves all of Scotland and is a Special Health Board funded directly by the Health Department of the Scottish Executive.

    NHS Highland

    NHS Highland is dedicated to improving the health of the people of the Highlands.

    Scottish Water

    Scottish Water is a publicly owned business, answerable to the Scottish Parliament and the people of Scotland and aims to be as efficient and effective as water companies in the private sector.

    Scottish Hydro Electric

    Scottish Hydro Electric is part of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group. Along with our other energy brands, Southern Electric, SWALEC and Atlantic Electric and Gas, we serve over 6.5 million customers across the UK.

    Highland Council Service Point Network

    The Council’s network of 37 Service Points is the flagship of the Council’s operation and is a demonstration of the Council’s commitment to local service delivery and customer care.

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